Category: How To

30 Day Sugar Detox!

Around Valentine’s day, one of the “sweetest” days of the year, I finished a 30 day sugar detox. Even thought weight loss wasn’t the goal, I lost 7 pounds during these 30 days! I was really surprised because I really thought as a healthy, mainly whole-foods eater, that I did not eat a lot of sugar to begin with.  … Read more →

Terrific Turmeric

Turmeric root really is terrific! Not only is it a fabulous addition to cooking, it has been used in Asia for thousands of years for its’ medicinal benefits, as well as spiritual benefits. The root is usually dried and ground into a powder for easier use. Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin, which is thought to treat many ailments from the common cold, acne, liver… Read more →

This GI Smoothie is a Hero!

There are many reasons your digestive system can be upset. Viruses, food sensitivities, food sickness, anxiety and stress to more serious conditions such crones or colitis. Typically when someone’s GI system (gastrointestinal tract) is upset by one of the less severe reasons, they reach for the over the counter medicine, (you know that big pink bottle that tastes awful) because… Read more →

Jolie Jasmine

Hello tea lovers! In this post I want to tell you about yet another of my favorite tea, Jasmine Green Tea. I love everything about this tea from the look, the amazing floral scent, to of course the amazing taste. I love this tea so much in fact, my daughters middle name is Jasmine. Jasmine Tea is made by infusing… Read more →

Dairy Do’s and Dont’s in the Tea World

It is common for people to add dairy to tea, especially Black tea (including Chai). The absolute best way to drink any tea for health benefits is straight, with no dairy or dairy substitutes, and no artificial sweeteners or sugar. All of these decrease the polyphenols and other nutrient absorption. This Dairy Don’t especially applies to Green and Oolong tea.… Read more →

Time to Tea-Tox

Happy New Year! This is a perfect time for a Tea-Tox!  Maybe you over did it in one way or another over the holidays, or maybe you are just looking to jump-start or re-start a healthier you. Take a peak at my previous posts Dandelion Love and How To: Detox with Dandelion Tea. I am also happy to announce since… Read more →

How To: Tea Bath

After reading my post on White Tea, Wonderful White, you know how wonderful white tea is for your skin. To increase the skin benefits of white tea, you may want to try a tea bath. You can use different types of tea, but I use white because of its direct link to skin health. You want to make a whole… Read more →

How To: Detox with Dandelion Tea

After reading my last post, Dandelion Love, you may want to try a Dandelion Tea detox. What you need to do is take two teabags, pour boiling water over them and let steep for 15 – 20 min. To aid with the detox take Milk Thistle and Omega 3’s in conjunction. Done everyday for a two- week period, this is… Read more →