This GI Smoothie is a Hero!

Photo 2015-11-25, 10 54 41 AM

There are many reasons your digestive system can be upset. Viruses, food sensitivities, food sickness, anxiety and stress to more serious conditions such crones or colitis. Typically when someone’s GI system (gastrointestinal tract) is upset by one of the less severe reasons, they reach for the over the counter medicine, (you know that big pink bottle that tastes awful) because you want the discomfort to go away quickly.

Well what if I told you I had a 100% natural amazing tasting smoothie that would work as quickly as that big pink bottle but actually taste amazing too, with no worries of what it is actually doing to your digestive system.



The GI Smoothie – Start with one or two fresh or frozen bananas. Bananas are one of the easiest foods on an upset stomach.

Then add fresh ginger about a nickel size amount will do the job, without giving an over powering taste. Ginger is well known to be effective in stomach upset, nausea, indigestion, as well as be gentle on the stomach.

Next you want about half a cup of coconut water, to help with re-hydration and half a cup of vanilla soy, almond, rice (etc.) milk. Now the reason I don’t recommend regular dairy is if you’re like me I can’t digest it in the first place, but even if you can, dairy can be hard on anyone’s stomach if it is already upset.

Last, but definitely not least, a pinch or two of ground nutmeg. Nutmeg is a very effective way to stop diarrhea in its tracks, very quickly too. I have used it since childhood and still do to this day and swear by the quick results.You can also use it to garnish the top of your smoothie.

What you will end up with is a smoothie that tastes somewhere between a chai frappacino and a soy nog (dairy free eggnog…it taste amazing I promise) smoothie, that will take care of those tummy troubles quickly and effectively.

Now almost every health professional will agree if you actually have Viral Gastroenteritis (The Stomach Flu) it generally just has to run it’s course, and the nasty symptoms may be helped by the GI smoothie but not completely eliminated.

So next time your feeling a bit queasy or the sudden urge to run to the washroom, give this smoothie a try!


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