The Positive Person

I was asked by a friend going through a bumpy patch of road to write this, so I will do my best.

Have you ever been jealous, of someone else for what they have or what they look like? I sure have in my younger years. I think almost everyone can say the same. Now, have you ever been jealous of someone for the way they live their life or energy they hold? Probably not if you actually lead that life or hold that energy yourself, but maybe sometimes people close to you that can’t quite get on that path have been jealous of you.

I read an article about how you shouldn’t aim to be positive because you aren’t “being real,” and that the new trend is to shun and shame negative people. As I read this article I already knew the author wasn’t living the life, or hadn’t attained the energy, they wanted.

The fact is, being considered by my peers and society as a positive person,  (my husband says I am Cheer Bear) I need to tell you the facts. When I was a young adult that had just come out of “moody teen angst,” I remember people saying to me that nobody is actually that happy, as if there was something wrong with me. So, in younger years I would let them pull me down to where they felt comfortable. I will never do it again, ever.

That doesn’t mean I feel the need to cut everyone out of my life who doesn’t feel like me; that is just silly and a sure way to never grow. I do avoid spending any large amount of time with people that I fell have negative energy towards me, or that are full of drama, or constantly attention seeking (energy seeking). I am learning that not everyone is there yet and all I can do is be myself until if and when they can, and if they can’t to love them anyways.

If I told you how many bumps I’ve had along my road, and some of them would shock you, maybe you would appreciate my positivity. I am not gong to share them, because I know you have all had bumps, and some much harder then mine, but mine are there all the same.

I do get angry, sad, and annoyed; all the same emotions. I believe they are healthy to express but I accept them while they are there, own them, and let them go. I don’t dwell on things.

I get excited about biking to work, any type of food, tea with a friend,  a good YouTuber, wine, a rainy summer night, picking things out of my garden, a good day with my family or friends, a fun adventure with my husband, and the list goes on. I realize how much good I have in my life.

The thing people confuse about the law of attraction is, that it has nothing to do with thinking about what you want. It is about feeling your feelings of happiness and positivity, and being certain there is not a damn thing in this universe that will change them; by feeling gratitude, that you can’t fake and that isn’t forced, and accepting that every lil thing is going to be alright (Bob is my hero.)

I have seen so many people not being where they want to be. The 100% truth, in a lot of cases in this great western world of indoor plumbing, convince, and luxury is they do it to themselves, often with out even knowing, by holding onto grudges, being nice to peoples’ faces but talking behind their backs, simply involving themselves in any drama, taking on too much, living against who they really are, complaining constantly, just plain feeling sorry for themselves, and dwelling in past traumas. Like attracts like.

That’s it, that’s all there is to it.  They just haven’t come to understand that they are literally the one and only thing between them and feeling the natural high of positivity. Just like watching a child learn to walk you can never do it for them; just love them the way you are. More times than not you will bring people up, and  will appreciate your energy, even if you mess up in life a million other ways. This is what the positive person really is. We are real and we are meant to be in your life to help you raise your energy, especially when it is quite low, because we have already learned how to ourselves.

Yes, I am as happy in real life as I am on social media 😉

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