Dairy Do’s and Dont’s in the Tea World

929223_295136690682097_264868214_n_resizedIt is common for people to add dairy to tea, especially Black tea (including Chai). The absolute best way to drink any tea for health benefits is straight, with no dairy or dairy substitutes, and no artificial sweeteners or sugar. All of these decrease the polyphenols and other nutrient absorption.

This Dairy Don’t especially applies to Green and Oolong tea. Not only does it take away from natural taste, but these types of tea are usually drank for the purpose of health and weight management.

Now, I too enjoy a good Matcha/Chai/Roobios Latte; I use dairy substitutes and make mine homemade. Substitutes such as Organic (GMO free) Soya, Almond, Coconut etc. are not as offensive to the healthy absorption of tea nutrients. By making them yourself you still achieve the pleasurable taste, and also control hidden sugars. I do this also when drinking black tea as I, like a lot of others, do not like the taste of black tea alone.


So, where does dairy belong in the tea world? Do mix dairy with tea products that are consumed for the sole purpose of pleasure, such as a Milky Bubble Tea (which for those that can not digest dairy you can get without the milk,) a nice green tea ice cream after a Japanese or Chinese dinner out, or a bit of Baileys substituted in a Roobios or Chai latte, which tastes amazing!

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