Oolong tea is another one of my favorites! Like Green teas, there are many different types; I will be sharing the 3 I drink most often in my next post.
Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea. It means Black Dragon, even though it is not a black tea. Oolong, like other tea, is packed full of antioxidants and is wonderful for people with chronic inflammation problems, heart disease and high cholesterol. It is also great for your bones, teeth and skin.
Oolong & Weight Management : Oolong Tea has been proven to inhibit fat absorption by the body. It is also, in my opinion, one of the best teas for appetite suppression and craving control. Simply by drinking 1 or 2 cups a day, you will notice you are eating less throughout the day and at meals. As mentioned in my post Sencha Love, fresh is best! Also try to avoid Oolong teas that have a lot of extra added ingredients and flavors; they generally aren’t as potent and have very little actual Oolong in them.
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