The No Resolution New Year

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone is well and had a fantastic 2015!

It is very common for people to approach the new year as a clean slate, and to take on new challenges and goals. This is also a time where people try to break bad habits and clean out the things in life that keep people from being their best!

It is never a bad time to try to improve one self, but the problem is a lot of the time people set themselves up with such drastic or depriving goals, that these goals may fizzle out before they’ve ever had a chance.

This also keeps people from making any further resolutions because your brain actually has set in mechanisms to keep you from feeling like a failure. That voice that says “that vice I have isn’t so bad”, “I know so many other people who do it”,  or “I should and others should just love me how I am, I shouldn’t have to do better.” This is really just your brain saying don’t do anything you might fail at; stay safe.

In other cases people are actually scared of success; they will subconsciously sabotage themselves during improvement or when they are near a goal. Let’s face it, however you look at it, it is less effort to function at a lower vibration, or in your semi-happy state then it is to be at a higher one. This is the area I personally need to work on.

So, instead of setting your self up to fizzle out, I say don’t make a new year resolution, make a 21 day one! It is scientifically proven it takes 3 weeks to make or break a new or old habit. It isn’t so scary if you have to give up something or do something new for 21 days.

Want to start exercising more? Start with a 20 min walk everyday instead of diving into a gym membership. Want a cleaner house? Maybe start with making your bed everyday. Want to eat healthier? Maybe just start by incorperating just one new healthier option like a new fruit or vegtable, or swap out some meat with beans or lentils.

Give yourself a little treat at the end of those 21 days, see how you feel, make a list of the benefits you have seen and then build on that goal or incorporate another goal for another 21 days. Maybe you won’t hit your ultimate goals in 21 days, but you are building a foundation for actual success. Willpower is like a muscle, it gets stronger the more you use it. So I encourage you and your friends to take the 21 day challenge! I would love to hear what your goals are and how you are doing!




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