Today I want to write about a winter activity that my family and I enjoy very much and its benefits. If you want to burn calories, get your cardio in, tone muscle, work on balance all while having fun, then ice skating is the winter activity for you too!
You don’t have to be able to skate like a hockey player or Olympic athlete to gain the benefit of this activity. Even if you’re rusty, like riding a bike it will come back to you.
Why I love it – Skating is a great cardio workout. As well it works the legs, glutes, hips and those tricky oblique muscles. If you are lucky to have an outdoor city rink or lake you can also enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and it doesn’t cost a penny, like other winter activities that can. We have been fortunate to have a mild winter so far, but did you know a little cold is also good for fat burning?
Everyone knows you can ingest different types of fats, both good and bad. However did you know we have different types of fats inside our bodies as well? We have a brown fat which turns calories into energy, unlike white fat that stores it. So the more brown fat the better, and it is known that colder temperatures produce more brown fat! So don’t be so scared to have some fun outside during the winter.
Finally, if this isn’t enough to get you to want to strap on your skates, remember skating is a great family, friend, or date activity; follow it with a nice tea or tea latte to optimize the experience.