Hello Again!

Hello! It has been awhile since my last post! I have a had a few different things going on in my life: To name a few, a busy summer, my daughter starting her first year of junior kindergarten, becoming more involved in my yoga practice, and working on my tea cream (Wonderful White Matcha Skin Cream). This is a project that was a bit more involved than I had originally thought. However, I was just a vendor at a large Christmas craft sale this weekend where I sold samples of my cream with tea gift bags I put together, and they sold really well! So I will continue working on this along with a new idea I have for the healthyteame blog. I have decided while still writing posts on different tea, to also have posts on other health and wellness topics, as I do on my Instagram healthyteame. Looking forward to comments and any ideas you would like to learn more about.

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