Magnificent Magnesium

Anxiety, depression, irritability, nervousness, migraines, arrhythmia, muscle cramps and spasms. Sadly a lot of people suffer from these conditions, and wouldn’t guess that a simple mineral deficiency could be the cause. To often people jump to a prescription instead of trying to address the underlying problem that in some cases can be so easily remedied.

Over 50% of people in the west are low on or magnesium deficient. The cause of this, in great part is the standard western diet, but even the healthiest of healthy eaters can be deficient simply because of our over farmed land, this has lead to magnesium depletion. Add to that alcohol consumption, stress, any sort of stomach condition such as irritable bowl syndrome, Crohns , colitis and you definitely have a very good chance of falling into the low to deficient category, as all of these things also greatly deplete magnesium from the body.

Anxiety and depression are a vicious cycle as the more anxious you are the more magnesium you will deplete, and the lower your magnesium levels are, the less you are able to deal with any sort of emotional or physical stress. Now I am not suggesting that this is the sole cause for all anxiety/depression suffers. Someone with PTSD or deep seeded psychological problems may not be cured by a magnesium supplement, but it will only help with any other treatment as they are more than likely low on the mineral, named the original chill pill.

I can personally attest that magnesium can greatly reduce severity and frequency of a migraine as I have been a sufferer since I have been 12 years old and also have had several other woman tell me they noticed that they no longer suffer from migraines since starting a supplement.

It is definitely worth looking into purchasing a good magnesium supplement if you suffer from any of the above conditions or suddenly notice yourself less able to deal with day-to-day stressors. Not all magnesium supplements are created equal though, so be aware that most of the magnesium found in multi vitamins and at your local pharmacy is magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide does not absorb well and acts more as a laxative than anything else.  You want to look for ionic magnesium carbonate, or magnesium taurate. You want to start these at a low does as well and work your way up as any magnesium can act like a laxative in to strong a dose.

I have personally been using a product called Natural CALM, and no this isn’t and advertisement. I like this product because it comes in powder for or easier dosage control and you can add it to any beverage or with water and it has a very pleasant taste. If you add it to hot water it has an almost instant calming effect. I drink it like this before bed sometimes or in the afternoon in my green tea,the raspberry citrus flavor complements it.

For any more information please consult your pharmacist or health care provider. People with kidney conditions should not take magnesium supplements.

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