Pu-erh Tea


I would like to introduce you to the traditional Chinese dark tea, Pu-erh (pronounced poo-arr). Unlike the teas I posted about previously, Pu-erh is a very rich tasting earthy tea. For some, it can taste a little “Pu-erh,” and it may take time to acquire a taste for it.

If you wish to try it after learning the many benefits and find you are not loving the taste, this would be one I would recommend trying in a flavour variety. Make sure it consists of only tea with added flavour, such as vanilla, to make sure you are still  getting as much of the benefits as possible.


Health Benefits of Pu-erh
Pu-erh is a tea that is considered a weight management tea in China and Hong Kong. Some drink it with every meal and others after a heavier or greasy meal. It is considered to have a direct effect on the stomach and spleen, thereby increasing metabolism. It is also thought to clean toxins from the blood, as well as help lower cholesterol, and blood pressure. It is also taken as a hangover preventative or cure.

Pu-erh and Weight Managment
In Chinese cultures it is considered to have a direct connection to the stomach by “keeping it warm” meaning it fires up the metabolism. It is also known to break down fatty and greasy food. It is important that you drink it after and not before meals as its metabolism boosting properties can actually make you hungry on an empty stomach.

Like other teas I’ve written about, there is several different types of Pu-erh. If you are on a budget or simply want to add Pu-erh to your current tea regimen, the Mini Toucha (as shown in the pictures) is only $2 for 6 and they can be brewed more than once. This is a in expensive way to add to your health and weight loss goals.




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